Thursday, June 26, 2008



Legend has it that Narakasura, the king of demons, had tortured the common folk. After many years of hardship, the people, unable to bear the suffering, appealed to Lord Krishna who then declared war against the demon king. As he lay dying, the demon king begged for mercy from Lord Krishna and he asked that the people rejoice and be merry at the anniversary of his death as a reminder that ultimately evil will never triumph. Little clay lamps were then lighted as a sign of gratitude to Lord Krishna.

传说从前有一个魔王,常常折磨百姓。在很多年后,百姓再也无法忍受魔王的折磨了, 便向Lord Krishna求救。Lord Krishna 也因为想救百姓,便和魔王开始战争。最后,
Lord Krishna终于战胜了魔王