Sunday, February 3, 2008

posting 2

I was born in Gleneagles Hospital, 1st December 1996. By 2.5months, I had already learnt to roll over. I was really pleased with my new 'skill' and was rolling all over the baby cot that I rolled off the bed at 4 months old and had a huge bump on my forehead.OUCH!

At 6 months old,I could finally take solid food. I can still remember that my favourite food was mentos. However, When I was gobbling it down, I choked and I never really liked it anymore.Soon, I can finally speak. My first two words were"mama"and "papa". I was all alone when my sister was born. I was really excited, but now, I find her annoying. Soon after that, I attended preschool and had many friends.

My first trip on the plane was a trip to Perth. It was really fun. I could also walk by myself and is very pleased with that, although I walked into the drain once.At 7 years old, I went to 1H.I was then promoted to 3h after 2 years and became a student Leader.The next year, I got seperated with my friends and went to 4C. We celebrated our teacher,Ms Kwok,birthday and it was my first time.

During P5, I went to china without my parents and it was so fun.We went to visit many places and had a great time.This year, it is my year and my PSLE year.Scary!

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