Friday, September 5, 2008




1 小明总是不听老师的话,常常和别人打架,惹了不少祸,所以大家都给他取了个外号,小流氓。
2 所谓近朱者赤,近墨者黑,每个人都不要和他做朋友,怕被他影响,自己也会变坏
3 一天,我和朋友一边聊天,一边过马路,没注意到向我们行驶而来的车子
4 我们被那一幕给吓呆了,笑容在脸上僵住了,脑子一片空白,顿时不知所措
5 这是,一个人影像离了弦的弓箭似的,迅速地跑了过来,把我们拉到马路旁
6 我抬头一看,就我的人竟然是小流氓!
7 他看到我们脸上惊讶的样子,头也不回地跑掉了
8 经过这件事,我再也不把小明看成个小流氓,二是一个心地善良的人
9 所谓"人不可貌相,海水不可斗量"经过这件事,我才明白老师常说我们不可以以貌取人的意思了。

Tuesday, September 2, 2008





Monday, September 1, 2008




听到了"离题"这两个字,我吓呆了 ,脑子里一片空白,无法思考。所谓“早知今日何必当初"啊。我在家其实,没趁此机会好好温习作文。我自以为作文已经是天下第一了,每天都玩电脑。在考试前,同学们都在温习功课时我竟然还取消他们,说他们是白读的。这真是我自找的。我对自己的行为失望极了。




我走着走着,突然看到了一个老婆婆。老婆婆一只看着来来往往的车子, 摇头叹气。我一看到那位拿着拐杖的老婆婆时,就三步并作两步地跑了上前去。“来老婆婆我来扶你过马路."我关心地说道。“我,我”我不等老婆婆讲完话,就拉着她拐一拐地走向马路的另一边。“你住哪里呀?要不要我扶你回家?“我关心地问道。“可是我不是要过马路,而是要招德士呀!"老婆婆大声地说道。我被老婆婆的那番话给吓呆了。老婆婆其实是要招德士呀!这时得我脸上火辣辣的。





Thursday, July 17, 2008


图画最引起我的注意是那位抱着小猫进小贩中心的人。她不应该带小猫进去因为小猫很有可能非常肮脏,而如果在小猫身上的细菌落在食客的食物里,食客也会生病。连在他后面的柱子上也写着我们不可以带宠物进入, 但他却没注意到。


Thursday, June 26, 2008



Legend has it that Narakasura, the king of demons, had tortured the common folk. After many years of hardship, the people, unable to bear the suffering, appealed to Lord Krishna who then declared war against the demon king. As he lay dying, the demon king begged for mercy from Lord Krishna and he asked that the people rejoice and be merry at the anniversary of his death as a reminder that ultimately evil will never triumph. Little clay lamps were then lighted as a sign of gratitude to Lord Krishna.

传说从前有一个魔王,常常折磨百姓。在很多年后,百姓再也无法忍受魔王的折磨了, 便向Lord Krishna求救。Lord Krishna 也因为想救百姓,便和魔王开始战争。最后,
Lord Krishna终于战胜了魔王

Friday, March 28, 2008




Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Saturday, March 8, 2008




Thursday, February 21, 2008

Posting 3

These animals amaze me.

The Super Flexible -Mimic octopus

You can only see this amazing animal in the Toledo zoo in Ohio.The mimic octopus has an amazingly flexible body.It has brown and white stripes all over its body and can twist itself to look like other animals.It can appear as a seasnake, jellyfish, lion fish and even a sea anemone!It can also twist its body to fit into a soda can.

The swooping Bald Eagle

These birds have a great eyesight and can soar up to 10000 feet high. Female bald eagles are slightly bigger than male eagles. Baby eaglets are usually grey in colour and once it reaches 4-5 years old, it starts having a white head and tail. When the bird attacks its prey ,they can drop down to 100 miles per hour.Do you know that bald eagles can "swim" too? As these birds can only lift half of their weights, if they catch a prey heavier than it, it will "swim "with its wings to the side of the water body to devour its prey. Another amazing thing.Female bald eagles' wingspan can grow up to eight feet long(that's about the distance from the floor to the ceiling)!Pretty cool huh.

Rare as gold, the giant panda

There are only 1000 pandas in the WHOLE world now. This is because pandas are very shy and do not like to go to places where there are humans and slowly, humans are taking up pandas' habitat. 99% of pandas diet consists of bamboo shoots. These creatures eat a lot every day, it spends 12hours each day!They have to eat a lot because they only digest one-fifth of what they eat. Luckily,female pandas start to have cubs at six years old. New born pandas weigh only 3-4 ounce. This weight is one-900th of its mother's weight.

A strong and fierce creature-the Tiger

A tiger is easily recognized by the black stripes on its body. This animal itself can bring down a deer or an antelope. Its stripes are mainly used for camouflage to catch its prey. It is also like our fingerprints, no two tigers have the same stripes. After its kill, the tiger only eats five kg of its kill and might need days to finish its kill. It covers its kill with leafs and dirt and when its hungry again, it would come back to finish its kill. A tiger's roar is also very loud. It can be heard as far as three kilometers away. A tiger, unlike other cats, enjoys water and seem to swim well in it.

The tree doctor pileated woodpecker

The woodpecker do not just peck for no good reason. These hammering carries a long distance through the woods. They do this for two main reasons. 1.they do this to attract mates and to warn other males away.The second reason is to find food such as carpenter ants and beetle larvae by pecking large rectangular holes in the trees. In this way the woodpecker cures the plant from unwanted insects and therefore becoming the trees "doctor". It also has a amazing way of trapping its prey by using its sticky saliva.

Friday, February 8, 2008


在星期三 的庆祝后,我和妈妈就带着很紧张的心情回家。我们换好了衣服吃了午餐后,便带着外婆到附近的花圃卖花。我们选了各种不同的花后就回家了。我们在餐桌上摆了很多新年的食物准备迎新年,招财神。每个人都为这一天欢呼。电视里的演员们都聚在一起倒数新年的到来。祝大家新年快乐,假期愉快!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

posting 2

I was born in Gleneagles Hospital, 1st December 1996. By 2.5months, I had already learnt to roll over. I was really pleased with my new 'skill' and was rolling all over the baby cot that I rolled off the bed at 4 months old and had a huge bump on my forehead.OUCH!

At 6 months old,I could finally take solid food. I can still remember that my favourite food was mentos. However, When I was gobbling it down, I choked and I never really liked it anymore.Soon, I can finally speak. My first two words were"mama"and "papa". I was all alone when my sister was born. I was really excited, but now, I find her annoying. Soon after that, I attended preschool and had many friends.

My first trip on the plane was a trip to Perth. It was really fun. I could also walk by myself and is very pleased with that, although I walked into the drain once.At 7 years old, I went to 1H.I was then promoted to 3h after 2 years and became a student Leader.The next year, I got seperated with my friends and went to 4C. We celebrated our teacher,Ms Kwok,birthday and it was my first time.

During P5, I went to china without my parents and it was so fun.We went to visit many places and had a great time.This year, it is my year and my PSLE year.Scary!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Posting 1

Elizabeth Choy was a great woman and a devoted wife. When the Japanese took over Singapore, her job as a teacher was gone as they only teach Japanese then, not English. She was then persuaded to work in a canteen as a vendor. However, it became the central place for the exchanges of medicine and messages for the prisoners.Mrs Elizabeth Choy's husband were detained in the YMCA building for passing radio parts and money to internees in Changi prison. Despite this, went down to the building demanding to see her husband. She was rejected but was tricked again into giving up all her valuables and sent to prison. She had to leave with men and had to eat dirty food and water.She was punched and even electrocuted to say the names of the informants.When she was released, she even avoided switching on a switch.She later freed her husband with the help of a British soldier.Although she was given the opportunity to give the name of the soldier who electrocuted her, she just said that she condemned war and not the people who tortured her.Therefore, she was given many prizes for her bravery. I think we should all respect her as she had sacrifised herself for the country.