Thursday, February 21, 2008

Posting 3

These animals amaze me.

The Super Flexible -Mimic octopus

You can only see this amazing animal in the Toledo zoo in Ohio.The mimic octopus has an amazingly flexible body.It has brown and white stripes all over its body and can twist itself to look like other animals.It can appear as a seasnake, jellyfish, lion fish and even a sea anemone!It can also twist its body to fit into a soda can.

The swooping Bald Eagle

These birds have a great eyesight and can soar up to 10000 feet high. Female bald eagles are slightly bigger than male eagles. Baby eaglets are usually grey in colour and once it reaches 4-5 years old, it starts having a white head and tail. When the bird attacks its prey ,they can drop down to 100 miles per hour.Do you know that bald eagles can "swim" too? As these birds can only lift half of their weights, if they catch a prey heavier than it, it will "swim "with its wings to the side of the water body to devour its prey. Another amazing thing.Female bald eagles' wingspan can grow up to eight feet long(that's about the distance from the floor to the ceiling)!Pretty cool huh.

Rare as gold, the giant panda

There are only 1000 pandas in the WHOLE world now. This is because pandas are very shy and do not like to go to places where there are humans and slowly, humans are taking up pandas' habitat. 99% of pandas diet consists of bamboo shoots. These creatures eat a lot every day, it spends 12hours each day!They have to eat a lot because they only digest one-fifth of what they eat. Luckily,female pandas start to have cubs at six years old. New born pandas weigh only 3-4 ounce. This weight is one-900th of its mother's weight.

A strong and fierce creature-the Tiger

A tiger is easily recognized by the black stripes on its body. This animal itself can bring down a deer or an antelope. Its stripes are mainly used for camouflage to catch its prey. It is also like our fingerprints, no two tigers have the same stripes. After its kill, the tiger only eats five kg of its kill and might need days to finish its kill. It covers its kill with leafs and dirt and when its hungry again, it would come back to finish its kill. A tiger's roar is also very loud. It can be heard as far as three kilometers away. A tiger, unlike other cats, enjoys water and seem to swim well in it.

The tree doctor pileated woodpecker

The woodpecker do not just peck for no good reason. These hammering carries a long distance through the woods. They do this for two main reasons. 1.they do this to attract mates and to warn other males away.The second reason is to find food such as carpenter ants and beetle larvae by pecking large rectangular holes in the trees. In this way the woodpecker cures the plant from unwanted insects and therefore becoming the trees "doctor". It also has a amazing way of trapping its prey by using its sticky saliva.

1 comment:

??? said...

you have 3 mistakes.